Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jennifer Perry On Getting Your Book To The World 01/13 by AuthorsontheAirbookstoo | Books Podcasts

Some of you have followed my radio show / podcast "Promote This! With Jennifer Perry" where I, and a guest author, share advice and tips on book promotion. On this week's show I had a writers' pajama party and several authors called in to ask for and share publicity ideas.

It was so much fun I wanted to share it with you.

My call-in guests were Kinia Colbert, Collin Kelley, Peg Brantley, Robert Leland Taylor, Louann Carroll, Jeff Crawford, Brent Robinson, Beth Rudetsky, and David Herrle. Please join the party.

Jennifer Perry On Getting Your Book To The World 01/13 by AuthorsontheAirbookstoo | Books Podcasts

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