Thursday, October 29, 2015

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another installment of Madame Perry's Salon featuring The Unusual Suspects. Tonight the TUS includes author and poet Collin Kelley, author and editor Rebecca McFarland Kyle, baron of Dreadnought Radio known on the airwaves at DJ DarkFang and keeper of the steam at Wild, Wild West Steampunk Con James Breen, America's number one chap hop artist Poplock Holmes, author and artist Robert Leland Taylor, author Mitzi Szereto & her sidekick author Teddy Tedaloo, and a couple of others who requested anonymity discussing the issues of the day, swapping lies and cracking wise.

If you really have nothing else to do with your time, why not listen?

DJ DarkFang aka James Breen

Friday, June 12, 2015

Veronique Chevalier And Jasper Bark Darken The Door Of Madame Perry's Salon!

Jasper Bark has written four novels: A Fistful of Strontium (Black Flame 2005 with Steve Lyons), Sniper Elite: Spear of Destiny (Abaddon 2006), Dawn Over Doomsday (Abaddon 2008) and Way of the Barefoot Zombie (Abaddon 2009). Bark's Battle Cries series of graphic novels are used in schools throughout the UK to improve literacy for 12 to 16 year olds. In 1993 he released an anthology of poetry and a spoken word album both called Bark Bites. In 1999 Bark was awarded a Fringe First at the Edinburgh International Festival.

Veronique Chevalier, The “Weird Val” of Dark Cabaret, aka The Original Mad Sonictist; Spooky Polkanista; Perv-ormance Artiste; MC-ess, Model & Authoress. A fan described her as simultaneously “Ooh La La!” AND “Laugh-out-loud hilarious!” While her fellow music artistes are obsessing with the “Punk” portion of the genre, MAD Veronique specializes in producing the “Steam”.

With art & direction by Disney’s Kyle A. Carrozza, this winsome bit of neo-retro cartooning elicits fits of mirth, with it’s witty lyrics, & beguiling sight gags. She and Kyle are currently co-creating a new animated video to her parody “Sprocky Spittoon”. She is also Creatrix of Steampunk Haiku & authoress of “My Cog Is Bigger Than Your Cog: SteamKu & Other Verstrocities“

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Author & TV Presenter MItzi Szereto And Her Celebrity Sidekick, Author Teddy Tedaloo

Two fascinating folks whom I met about five years ago on Twitter, Mitzi Szereto and Teddy Tedaloo, kept the party going in the podcast version of Madame Perry's Salon. Click on the link below to join us.

Author Mitzi Szereto And Celeb Sidekick Teddy Tedaloo In Madame Perry's Salon

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jennifer Perry On Getting Your Book To The World 01/13 by AuthorsontheAirbookstoo | Books Podcasts

Some of you have followed my radio show / podcast "Promote This! With Jennifer Perry" where I, and a guest author, share advice and tips on book promotion. On this week's show I had a writers' pajama party and several authors called in to ask for and share publicity ideas.

It was so much fun I wanted to share it with you.

My call-in guests were Kinia Colbert, Collin Kelley, Peg Brantley, Robert Leland Taylor, Louann Carroll, Jeff Crawford, Brent Robinson, Beth Rudetsky, and David Herrle. Please join the party.

Jennifer Perry On Getting Your Book To The World 01/13 by AuthorsontheAirbookstoo | Books Podcasts

Momma Said