Friday, July 22, 2011

Winner of the BlogFest 2011 Giveaway!

The drawing for the first BlogFest 2011 giveaway took place Monday night
at Maddy's Ribs & BBQ in Decatur, Georgia by Ann Guilfoile.
 Ann is the very popular co-interviewer of her brother, author Kevin Guilfoile.
Assisting in the event were Kimmy Sue Ruby Lou Shaughnessy
and her hairier half Andy Shaughnessy.

Don't panic, I will have a second and maybe third winner next week.

Yes, it's Margaret!

And the winner is "Margaret!"
Congratulations, Margaret, as soon as we have a mailing addy the goodies will be heading your way.
And we plan another drawing or two from the same list so standby, and thank you for supporting Madame Perry's Salon. I hope to bring you more of the best writers for your enjoyment.

Kimmy Sue, Mme Perry, Andy and Ann congratulating Margaret.


Literary Chanteuse said...

Thank you so much! Even my kids are excited!

Christopher Hudson said...

You sure this wasn't rigged?

Madame Perry said...

Mr. Hudson, Would you step in my office?

DMS said...

Fun pictures!

Jessica said...

BlogFest sounds like a great event to me! I love writing and reading blogs!! I wonder if there is anything like that where I live!!

Momma Said